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what I need to do ...

  • Continious learning -unlearn as necessary
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  • Pick up parenting skills
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  • Learn sinan mori

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Leadership IS (HRM 8/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Leadership is =>Influence =>Predetermine objective
Effective Leadership depend on =>traits and styles/behavior =>Situation
Leader behaviors {Vision/Direction; Align Employee; Inspire & motivate}

[1] Building blocks of leader

Leadership Foundation = [A]power +[B] traits + [C]behaviors
Foundation to =>Provide Vision, Think Like a leader, Use right Leadership style, skills

[A]Power => Positon {Information; Legitimate; Reward} Personnel {Expert; Rational Persuasion}
[B]Traits => unchanging characteristic of a person = > {Decisive; Co-operative; Assertive; Dependable}
Skill => Something you are good at => {Social; Speaking; Administration, Technical; Dipolmatic}
[C]Behaviors => Focus on --->> {People} or ---> {Production}

Leadership grid showing behaviour style:


P +-CountryClub--+-----+-----+---Ideal---+

E +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+

O +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+

P +-------------Middle of the Road-+-----+

L +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+

E +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+



PRODUCTION ------------- >

[2] Hersey & Blanchard’s Stituation Leadership styles => based on readiness state and level guidance need by follower

1.telling ---------->>[Readiness 1]
[HighTask focus/less relation ~ Low ability high level of drive]

2.Selling ------------------------------>>Readiness 2]
[Relationship focus/directing; praise ~ ability improves however drives fall]

3. Participating ------------------------------>> Readiness 3]
[Relationship focus/low task; Manager direct and make decisions ~ ability improves however drives falling need to improve ~ ability good level but drive still lacking]

4. Delegation ---------->> Readiness 4]
[Relationship focus/directing; praise]
[Low task focus/Low relation ~High level of ability and drive ]

# --->> represent guidance level varies with readiness level 1-4.

What kind of leader are you ?

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  • You are your thoughts.The thoughts in your head are what institute the laws of attraction. You think therefore you are. - Joe Vitalli, The Laws of Attraction
  • Don't react blatantly in Anger and become a Zero - Papati
  • Don't miss out in the learning values of problems by over-looking the root causes but starting at the occurences - Raj
  • You can do almost anything if you have a steady income. Little or much, what matters is that you can count it, month after month.Without the regular flow of funds, you will be constantly distracted from you goals - Norm & Bo
  • Time is greater than money, you can never really buy time. Don't let time slip away. - Raj
  • Ignore technology advancement and you will either be left behind or you have to fork out more - Raj
  • Without passion nothing happens in life but without compassion the wrong things happen - Jan Eliasson
  • The poorer you are the more you need to plan and act wisely. Any undesired outcome you have little resource to manoeuvre.
  • “Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it.”
  • To get to where you want to go in life you must start from where you are - Tan
  • Maturity does not come with age,it comes with the acceptance of responsibilities - Tan

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