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what I need to do ...

  • Continious learning -unlearn as necessary
  • Reach out to family & loves ones
  • Maintain fitness - strong core and clear IPPT
  • Pick up parenting skills
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  • Build passive business & investment income
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  • Manage $ Cash flow
  • Learn sinan mori

Friday, October 26, 2007

Motivation (HRM 7/12)

Manage to resume my jogging routine with some tweaking. I felt great wearing my sport shoes again =).

Take Away:

from tutorial,
Motivation is something I believe is essential and a driving factor to propel one to do things. Hence the following material captivated me:

=Process Based Approach=

[1] Equity Theory

Reward_for_Snow / Effort_by_Snow = Reward_for_White/ Effort_by_white

When the above ratio do not tally it can cause the person with the less value to feel discourage and become less motivated. Why should I work so hard when I get only $ while the other guy get $ for little effort. Nevertheless there can be other factors to consider besides looking at things in $

[2] Expectancy theory

Motivation = E * I * V

where E:Expectancy (Probability of success), I:Instrumental (Will i be rewarded) & V:Valence (Value of reward) with having value 1 or 0

If either one become zero motivation becomes zero !!

[x]Goal Theory - Goal set -> Prompt action.

=Need Based Approach=

[3] Maslow Needs

Psychological -> Security -> Social -> Self-esteem -> Self-Actualization

It is a progress series of stages we go which can even be a cycle. Can proceed further if the current stage is stable.

[4] Herzberg-two factors { Hygiene-extrinsic | Motivator-intrinsic }

Both factors are essential however the motivators will be the one while will carry you far, Hygiene factors will make one look out for more and more. Civil pay is going to be increase cited because people are leaving to the private sector. The make issue would not have been $.In the long term raising $ will not really help for people will anticipate for the next increment.

=Ten ways to Motivate =
  1. Set goals
  2. Use pay for performance {merit/performance}
  3. Improve merit pay
  4. Use recognition
  5. Use Positive Reinforcement
  6. Use Behavior Management
  7. Empower Employees
  8. Enrich the Jobs (combine tasks,rotation)
  9. Use Skill-Based Pay
  10. Provide Lifelong Learning
Incentive Plan
  • Monetary
  • status Symbols
Behavior Management
  • +ve Reinforcement
  • Extinction
  • -ve Reinforcement (remove sm)
  • punishment
  • schedule reinforcement

Give Thanks:

Lord – peace despite events/thoughts

Friends – Event invitation, Sharing of internal happenings,Accompany for revision.

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  • You are your thoughts.The thoughts in your head are what institute the laws of attraction. You think therefore you are. - Joe Vitalli, The Laws of Attraction
  • Don't react blatantly in Anger and become a Zero - Papati
  • Don't miss out in the learning values of problems by over-looking the root causes but starting at the occurences - Raj
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  • Time is greater than money, you can never really buy time. Don't let time slip away. - Raj
  • Ignore technology advancement and you will either be left behind or you have to fork out more - Raj
  • Without passion nothing happens in life but without compassion the wrong things happen - Jan Eliasson
  • The poorer you are the more you need to plan and act wisely. Any undesired outcome you have little resource to manoeuvre.
  • “Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it.”
  • To get to where you want to go in life you must start from where you are - Tan
  • Maturity does not come with age,it comes with the acceptance of responsibilities - Tan

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