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Saturday, July 4, 2009

How to handle vulgarities hurl at you !

What is it ?
It can be a 'f' word, cursing certain body parts, insulting your mother, a slang.

By the way how did all this originated ....
source :http://www.thefreedictionary.com/vulgar
The word probably had a neutral meaning and developed into a negative meanings over time. The ancestor of vulgar, the Latin word vulgris (from vulgus, "the common people"), meant "of or belonging to the common people, everyday," as well as "belonging to or associated with the lower orders." Vulgris also meant "ordinary," "common (of vocabulary, for example)," and "shared by all." An extension of this meaning was "sexually promiscuous," a sense that could have led to the English sense of "indecent."

and how come it get pass on?
the passing on of vulgarities probably would be like , 'you call me names' i will do that back to you and apply that elsewhere and the cycle repeats

Why say #$%% ?
Unless such words are used some people don't get the sense of urgency.
e.g Can you f***ing get the cup!
e.g.You are f***ing late, move fast!

Or when some thing good or bad happens.
e.g. Its so f***ing good!
e.g. What the f***? i loss
e.g. ****!, i forgot my card.

To get attention, sound cool.

What it shows?
It reflect badly on the speaker.
Gives a poor image of the speaker depending on how tolerant the listener perceives the expression.
Ultimately it shows that the speaker is a poor communicator, who let his or her emotion lose .
By resorting to a demeaning tactics to enforcing "authority" is obviously not
going to do any good.

Yada yada so how?
The speaker has angered you with his or her rich spicy words. Your blood is boiling. There is thunder flashing and you are ready to rebut. Your volcano is going to explode ...


The speaker will probably continue with his or verbal diarrhea until he or she run out of breath. Some would go on rattling #$%%

* Breathe in *

Respond calmly: Sir or Madam *you are very impolite*

If the speaker continue squirting more verbal diarrhea. repeat the same statement Sir or Madam you are very impolite.

Simple and clear. If that knock some sense into the speaker good else respond

* "I'm sorry, I don't have the time to entertain you with this ...." *

and move on, no need to raise your pressure unnecessary.

To enhance your respond list you can try the following words besides impolite:

Sir or Madam
  • you are very rude
  • you are very crude
  • your words are distasteful
  • your words are unpleasant

It is recommended you stick to one line for a situation vs. using a variety of lines
as it may appear you are challenging the speaker.

That's not you want, you want to build goodwill.

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