Our Daily Bread

what I need to do ...

  • Continious learning -unlearn as necessary
  • Reach out to family & loves ones
  • Maintain fitness - strong core and clear IPPT
  • Pick up parenting skills
  • Save up and plan for renovation
  • Build passive business & investment income
  • Back up Data
  • Manage $ Cash flow
  • Learn sinan mori

Monday, October 22, 2007

Technology can fail you =( It hurts!

It was a mad morning rush on a drizzling Monday, all pump up to work when i was denied entry by the MRT station gantry. Repeated attempted to tap my card on the reader did not help,seek assistance from the station counter."I cannot not read your RFID ez-card its faulty" echoed the MRT staff on duty gleaming."Please get it repaired, the counter for that opens at 10am"she continued.What!! That very moment i got to make changes of plans nevertheless it hurts! I was supposed to be in school for a group study and ...

I am sure many of you face other techno failures that affected you. To add salt to the wound my monitor has gone blind and cannot show me any images anymore, my headpiece has become deaf on the right ear.Despite spending a lot time on their medical treatment i unable to treat them.I just got to accept them for who they are. They have changed and aged.A friend has also mention that his beloved notebook is in need of some treatment.Medical expenses are already so high how am i gonna pay for their treatment?

Take Away:

from experience,
Technology need to be maintain and monitored.Never be fully dependent on technology or take it for granted when comes to planning a plan B.When it goes down it hurts!

Give Thanks:
Lord - its e-learning week else it would have been a catastrophe.

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  • You are your thoughts.The thoughts in your head are what institute the laws of attraction. You think therefore you are. - Joe Vitalli, The Laws of Attraction
  • Don't react blatantly in Anger and become a Zero - Papati
  • Don't miss out in the learning values of problems by over-looking the root causes but starting at the occurences - Raj
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  • Time is greater than money, you can never really buy time. Don't let time slip away. - Raj
  • Ignore technology advancement and you will either be left behind or you have to fork out more - Raj
  • Without passion nothing happens in life but without compassion the wrong things happen - Jan Eliasson
  • The poorer you are the more you need to plan and act wisely. Any undesired outcome you have little resource to manoeuvre.
  • “Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it.”
  • To get to where you want to go in life you must start from where you are - Tan
  • Maturity does not come with age,it comes with the acceptance of responsibilities - Tan

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