Our Daily Bread

what I need to do ...

  • Continious learning -unlearn as necessary
  • Reach out to family & loves ones
  • Maintain fitness - strong core and clear IPPT
  • Pick up parenting skills
  • Save up and plan for renovation
  • Build passive business & investment income
  • Back up Data
  • Manage $ Cash flow
  • Learn sinan mori

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Intro to Bioinformatics

My registration for my final year subjects are due soon ... I plan to do Introduction to Bioinformatics. Wonder what is installed for me .....

A quick check reveal that i need to know the following :
(source faq of Center for Biological Sequence Analysis,Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark
Kemitorvet, Building 208

I did chemistry and physics during my secondary schools very basic biology finally some depth
of biology to uncover got to brush up ......

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Progress forward

It has been along time since i blogged.
If there is no development then it means it is "dead" or stale.

The following are some development:

My exams are long over and results out.
There are always some challenges when i sit for exams each semester,
These time i miscalculated the exam format for a paper. Manage to do well for
that subject though. To cut the story short, i cleared all my
modules and am advancing..... got to keep the drive going ....

Finally, thank goodness i invested in my first laptop its a lenovo G410.
It was like "love on first sight". I have a good impression of the brand
plus i like the look and found the specification and cost within my requirement at
a particular store. Mange to secure some funds to get it.

Two key project i am working on, FYP and another pet project. Both is equally
important pressing me for time. Holiday does not seem holiday after all if not
for a few wonderful souls who are so bubbly to organize events. When am i
going to do it ?

I cleared my IPPT with a silver would have been gold,
have overcome the chin-up problem now focusing on
SBJ hope to overcome this hurdle. Have been practicing daily.

End of the day people around are the one who will keep you going.
They can make or break your day .....

Emotion can run high at times better to get breathe lots of air and get better vs
explode and become bitter .....
Make a wise move ....


  • You are your thoughts.The thoughts in your head are what institute the laws of attraction. You think therefore you are. - Joe Vitalli, The Laws of Attraction
  • Don't react blatantly in Anger and become a Zero - Papati
  • Don't miss out in the learning values of problems by over-looking the root causes but starting at the occurences - Raj
  • You can do almost anything if you have a steady income. Little or much, what matters is that you can count it, month after month.Without the regular flow of funds, you will be constantly distracted from you goals - Norm & Bo
  • Time is greater than money, you can never really buy time. Don't let time slip away. - Raj
  • Ignore technology advancement and you will either be left behind or you have to fork out more - Raj
  • Without passion nothing happens in life but without compassion the wrong things happen - Jan Eliasson
  • The poorer you are the more you need to plan and act wisely. Any undesired outcome you have little resource to manoeuvre.
  • “Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it.”
  • To get to where you want to go in life you must start from where you are - Tan
  • Maturity does not come with age,it comes with the acceptance of responsibilities - Tan

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